Weicai Wang , Graduate Student

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Research Interests

What fascinates me is the deep-water species, abyssal sea is vast and unique region. Some endemic fauna with not only diversity morphology but also molecular genetic diversity, so I am doing some reasech on phylogeography of Chimaeridae hydrolagus. This fish distributes in the bottom of the the Atlantic sea, and we get less more information than other coastal waters species. I want to use next-generation sequencing combining with bioinformatics to figure out evolution of this holocephalan. What’s more, I work with Ph.D .Adela Roa-Varon who comes from department of of Fisheries Science Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) about evolution and phylogeography of Merluccius.

Contact Information

PHONE: +86 13052353105


Molecular ecology. phylogeography