PHD Candidate
Lifang Peng
Research Interests
I like expedition, to find the reptiles (snakes and lizards) in the field and investigate their natural history. Their taxonomic status, phylogenetic positions, biogeographic patterns, and evolutionary history are further researched.
Contact Information
E-mail: tibet_christine@sina.comSpecialisms
Ophiology, HerpetologyPhylogenetics and Biogeography
Ph. D., 生态学Ecology. 西藏大学Tibet University, Tibet, China (2016-2019). Advisors:钟扬 Yang Zhong, 拉琼Laqiong, 黄松Song Huang.M. S., 野生动植物保护与利用Wildlife Conservation and Utilization. 南京林业大学Nanjing forestry University, Nanjing, China (2013-2016). Advisors: 鲁长虎Changhu Lu, 黄松Song Huang.
B. S., 生物科学BioScience. 黄山学院Huangshan University, Huangshan, China (2008-2012). Advisor: 黄松Song Huang.
2018-2028 主持环保部南京环科所:两栖动物观测(西藏日喀则样区)Amphibian monitoring (in Shigatse, Tibet).2017-2019 主持西藏大学“高水平人才培养计划”项目:中国岩蜥属物种生活史和系统地理学研究Life history and Biogeography of the rock agamid genus Laudakia in China (2016-GSP-001).
2018-2028 参与环保部南京环科所:两栖动物观测(札达样区)Amphibian monitoring (in Zanda, Tibet).
2017-2020 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国青藏高原岩蜥属物种多样性研究Species diversity of the rock agamid genus Laudakia of the Tibetan Plateau in China (NSFC31672253).
2016-2026, 参与环保部南京环科所:两栖动物观测(西藏昌都样区)Amphibian monitoring (in Qamdo, Tibet).
2016-2017 参与全国第二次陆生野生动物资源调查,安徽省4种蛇类资源专项调查项目.
2015-2018参与国家基金面上项目:中华珊瑚蛇属物种多样性和分子系统地理学研究Species diversity and phylogeography of the genus Sinomicrurus (NSFC 31471968).
Lifang Peng, Lijun Wang, Li Ding, Yiwu Zhu, Jian Luo, Diancheng Yang, Ruyi Huang, Shunqing Lv, Song Huang. A New Species of the Genus Sinomicrurus Slowinski, Boundy and Lawson, 2001 (Squamata: Elapidae) from Hainan Province, China海南华珊瑚蛇新种. Asian Herpetological Research, 2018, 9(2): 65-73.Jingcheng Xu#, Lifang Peng#, Yanrong Chen, Diancheng Yang, Qineng Wu, Shiyang Weng, Yong Zhang, Song Huang. 2018. Four Complete mitochondrial genomes of living wild-type Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus (Amphibia: Cryptobranchidae)中国大鲵线粒体全基因组. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 3(2): 1200-1202. (# Authors contributed equally to this work).
Jingsong Shi, Diancheng Yang, Wuyuan Zhang, Lifang Peng, Nikolai L. Orlov, Fan Jiang, Li Ding, Mian Hou, Xinlei Huang, Song Huang, Pipeng Li. A new species of the Gloydius strauchi complex (Crotalinae: Viperidae: Serpentes) from Qinling, Sichuan, and Gansu, China高原蝮种组一新种——若尔盖蝮. Russian Journal of Herpetology, 2018, 25(2): 126-138.
Diancheng Yang, Lifang Peng, Jingcheng Xu, Song Huang. Intraspecific Polymorphism of Rice Frog, Fejervarya multistriata (Anura: Ranidae), in Lingnan, Huangshan, China岭南自然保护区泽蛙的种下多态. Asian Herpetological Research, 2017, 8(1): 22-26.
Lifang Peng, Shiyang Weng, Diancheng Yang, Changhu Lu, Song Huang. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Xianggelila Hot-spring snake, Thermophis shangrila (Reptilia, Colubridae) 香格里拉温泉蛇线粒体全基因组. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 2016, 1(1): 536-537.
Shiyang Weng#, Lifang Peng#, Miao He, Shuangquan Duan, Song Huang. 2016. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Xizang Hot-spring snake, Thermophis baileyi Wall, 1907 (Reptilia, Colubridae) 西藏温泉蛇线粒体全基因组. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 1(1): 921-922. (# Authors contributed equally to this work)
Lifang Peng, Diancheng Yang and Changhu Lu. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Eurasian blackbird, Turdus merula (Aves: Turdidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 2016, 27(6): 4609-4610.
Liang Zhang#, Lifang Peng#, Lei Yu, ZhengPing Wang, LiQun Huang and Song Huang. New Record of Lycodon liuchengchaoi in Anhui刘氏链蛇安徽省新记录. Zoological Research, 2015, 36(1): 178-180. (# Authors contributed equally to this work)
Lifang Peng, Changhu Lu, Song Huang, Peng Guo and Yaping Zhang. A New Species of the Genus Thermophis (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Shangri-La, Northern Yunnan, China, with a Proposal for an Eclectic Rule for Species Delimitation香格里拉温泉蛇新种,及物种界定的折衷的“四差异原则”. Asian Herpetological Research, 2014, 5(4): 228-239.
彭丽芳, 拉琼, 张亮, 黄松. 广东省发现刘氏链蛇Lycodon liuchengchaoi Found in Guangdong Province. 动物学杂志, 2018, 53(5): 806-809.
黄汝怡, 杨典成, 彭丽芳, 吕顺清, 黄松. 2018. 黑背链蛇产卵及孵化报道A Report of Laying Eggs and Hatching of Lycodon ruhstrati (Fischer, 1886). 动物学杂志, 53(6): 991-992.
杨典成, 侯勉, 彭丽芳, 翁仕洋, 张勇, 黄松. 云南河口瑶族自治县发现尖喙蛇Rhynchophis boulengeri Found in Yao Autonomous County of Hekou, Yunnan Province. 动物学杂志, 2018, 53(5): 827-828.
彭丽芳, 张勇, 池鸿健, 金爱军, 张亮, 黄松. 广东省发现尖喙蛇Rhynchophis boulengeri was found in Guangdong province. 动物学杂志, 2017, 52(6): 1053-1055.
彭丽芳, 朱毅武, 张亮, 张勇, 黄松. 浙江省发现刘氏链蛇Lycodon liuchengchaoi was found in Zhejiang province. 动物学杂志, 2017, 52(4): 582, 651.
彭丽芳, 杨典成, 黄汝怡, 段双全, 黄松. 香格里拉温泉蛇卵生繁殖初步报道A Report of Oviparous Reproduction of Shangri-La Hot-spring Snake Thermophis shangrila. 动物学杂志, 2017, 52(3): 543-544.
彭丽芳,张亮,鲁长虎,田园,黄松. 广西、浙江、江西发现福清链蛇Lycodon futsingensis found in Guangxi, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Province. 动物学杂志,2015,50(6): 963-968.
彭丽芳, 黄松. 安徽省发现棕脊蛇Achalinus rufescens was found in Anhui Province. 动物学杂志, 2015, 50(1): 159.
王德青, 杨典成, 彭丽芳, 程周旺, 许竟成, 胡晓倩, 黄松. 2015. 云南发现福建华珊瑚蛇Sinomicrurus kelloggi was found in yunnan province.四川动物43(2): 314.
彭丽芳, 朱毅武, 黄松. 陕西省发现刘氏链蛇Lycodon Liuchengchaoi was found in Shaanxi Province. 动物学杂志, 2014, 49(6): 952.
彭丽芳, 欧洋, 王征, 鲁长虎. 苏州工业园区不同生境鸟类群落结构及季节动态Avian Community Structure and Seasonal Dynamics in Different Habitats of Suzhou Industrial Park. 城市环境与城市生态, 2014, 27(2): 19-28.