I am interested in using Environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect species and quantities of aquatic organisms. It is an efficient technology has been used for detecting presence/absence of species in ecological studies and recent studies focused on correlation between the number of copies of targeted eDNA and the species density/biomass.
However, the quantification results were unconvincing because the amount of DNA often was affected by many complicated factors, such as distance, body size, temperature, season, feeding and breeding behaviors, etc.
My aim is to explore a more accuracy method to estimate the species density and we had obtained an expected result used the number of segregating site instead of DNA copies. I am also studying the population structure of Seriola lalandi distributed in China, Japan and Australia based on exon capture data.
Contact Information
College of Fishery and Life Science
Shanghai Ocean University
Molecular Ecology
Population Genetics
B.S, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutics, Zunyi Medical University, Guangdong, China (2016)